Paul McCartney: The Lyrics (tvrdi uvez)


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The Lyrics consists of Paul McCartney’s discussions with Paul Muldoon of the lyrics of 154 of his songs written during his time as a member of the rock bands the Beatles and Wings and as a solo artist.

The songs are arranged alphabetically over two volumes (each volume is 480 pages, not available separately). The book also include many previously unseen photographs, paintings and handwritten texts. Muldoon spoke with McCartney over five years in two- to three-hour sessions during the creation of the book and felt that McCartney’s “insights into his own artistic process confirm a notion at which we had but guessed—that Paul McCartney is a major literary figure who draws upon, and extends, the long tradition of poetry in English”. Muldoon felt that their conversations mimicked McCartney’s writing sessions with John Lennon as they were both “determined never to leave the room without something interesting”.

McCartney had always previously declined to write an autobiography, recalling that he had been asked “More often than I can count” as “the time has never been right”. McCartney has said that he has never kept a diary to recall the past but does have “my songs, hundreds of them, which I’ve learned serve much the same purpose. And these songs span my entire life”.

In this extraordinary book, with unparalleled candour, Paul McCartney recounts his life and art through the prism of 154 songs from all stages of his career – from his earliest boyhood compositions through the legendary decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his solo albums to the present. Arranged alphabetically to provide a kaleidoscopic rather than chronological account, it establishes definitive texts of the songs’ lyrics for the first time and describes the circumstances in which they were written, the people and places that inspired them, and what he thinks of them now. Presented with this is a treasure trove of material from McCartney’s personal archive – drafts, letters, photographs – never seen before, which make this also a unique visual record of one of the greatest songwriters of all time.

We learn intimately about the man, the creative process, the working out of melodies, the moments of inspiration. The voice and personality of Paul McCartney sings off every page. There has never been a book about a great musician like it.



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Početna cijena dostave iznosi 32 kune, a povećava se ovisno o težini paketa. Usluga pouzeća naplaćuje se 8 kuna.

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Paul McCartney with Paul Muldoon




Allen Lane

Godina izdanja




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