Radiohead Never Pick It Up majica

Radiohead – Never Pick It Up siva majica


Originalna Radiohead majica s motivom Never Pick It Up, 100%  organski pamuk, kratki rukavi, sive boje. Radiohead je engleski rock sastav osnovan u Abingdonu, Oxfordshire, 1985. Bend čine Thom Yorke (vokal, gitara, klavir, klavijature); braća Jonny Greenwood (glavna gitara, klavijature, ostali instrumenti) i Colin Greenwood (bas), Ed O’Brien (gitara, prateći vokal) i Philip Selway (bubnjevi, …

radiohead present tense

Present Tense – A Radiohead Compendium

Ivan Muhvić

A “Rock’s Backpages” anthology of Radiohead, the most radical and fascinating rock band in modern music history, edited and introduced by Barney Hoskyns.

This Isn't Happening

This Isn’t Happening – Radiohead’s Kid A (tvrdi uvez)


Upon its release in 2000, Radiohead’s fourth album divided critics. Some called it an instant classic; others, such as the UK music magazine Melody Maker, deemed it “tubby, ostentatious, self congratulatory… whiny old rubbish.” But two decades later, Kid A sounds like nothing less than an overture for the chaos and confusion of the twenty first century.

Radiohead - Scribble - siva majica

Radiohead – Scribble siva majica


Originalna Radiohead majica s motivom Scribble, 100%  organski pamuk, kratki rukavi, sive boje. Radiohead je engleski rock sastav osnovan u Abingdonu, Oxfordshire, 1985. Bend čine Thom Yorke (vokal, gitara, klavir, klavijature); braća Jonny Greenwood (glavna gitara, klavijature, ostali instrumenti) i Colin Greenwood (bas), Ed O’Brien (gitara, prateći vokal) i Philip Selway (bubnjevi, udaraljke). Od 1994. …

Radiohead - Gucci Little Piggy majica

Radiohead – Gucci Little Piggy majica

Ivan Muhvić

Originalna Radiohead majica s motivom Gucci Little Piggy, 100% organski pamuk, kratki rukavi, crne boje. Ovo je majica s dvostranim motivom, stražnji motiv u galeriji fotografija proizvoda! _________________________________________________________________________________ Dostava Dostava se vrši putem naših ugovornih partnera, a rok dostave je 3 do 5 radnih dana standardnim slanjem ili 1 do 2 radna dana ubrzanim slanjem. Za Europu i …