keith richards biografija

Keith Richards – Lice rock’n’rolla (tvrdi uvez)


Prema općem mišljenju ovo je definitivna biografija Keitha Richardsa, jedne od najvećih rock legendi, ultimativne rock ikone otkako je rock and rolla i svijeta! Jer, kako kažu, kad ovaj “Biskup rock and rolla”, odnosno “Riffmeister General”, ili “grof Ziggenpuss”, “Princ svih narkomana-otpadnika”, “Obergruppen-Führer”, “Živi Rif”, “vampirski aristokrat”, “Keef Riffhards”… i kako ga sve nisu zvali, …

Keith Richards - Life

Keith Richards: Life


With the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards created the riffs, the lyrics and the songs that roused the world, and over four decades he lived the original rock and roll life: taking the chances he wanted, speaking his mind, and making it all work in a way that no one before him had ever done. Now, …