T.Rex - Bolan Slider - majica

T Rex – Bolan Slider ženska majica


Originalna T.Rex ženska majica s motivom Bolan Slider, 100% pamuk, kratki rukavi, crne boje. T.Rex su bili engleski rock bend koji je 1967. osnovao kantautor i gitarist Marc Bolan. Bend se u početku zvao Tyrannosaurus Rex, a pod tim imenom je izdao četiri albuma – tri psihodelična folk i jedan blagi psihodelični rock. Godine 1969., …

Ride a White Swan – The Lives and Death of Marc Bolan


From mod folk artist to flower power pixie elfin to the king of glam rockers, Marc Bolan was the ultimate chameleon. His far reaching musical and stylistic influence is more relevant today than ever with hits such as ‘Ride A White Swan‘, ‘Children Of The Revolution‘, ‘Get It On‘ and ‘Hot Love‘ as fresh and …