Originalna Led Zeppelin majica s motivom Icarus Burst majica, 100% pamuk, kratki rukavi, bijele boje. Led Zeppelin je engleski rock sastav osnovan u Londonu 1968. godine. Grupu su činili pjevač Robert Plant, gitarist Jimmy Page, basist/klavijaturist John Paul Jones i bubnjar John Bonham. Sa njihovim ‘heavy’ gitarističkim zvukom redovito ih se navodi kao jedne od začetnika heavy metala, a …
Led Zeppelin – Electric Magic bijela ženska majica
Originalna Led Zeppelin ženska majica s motivom Electric Magic, 100% pamuk, kratki rukavi, bijele boje. Led Zeppelin je engleski rock sastav osnovan u Londonu 1968. godine. Grupu su činili pjevač Robert Plant, gitarist Jimmy Page, basist/klavijaturist John Paul Jones i bubnjar John Bonham. Sa njihovim ‘heavy’ gitarističkim zvukom redovito ih se navodi kao jedne od …
Led Zeppelin: All the Songs – The Story Behind Every Track (tvrdi uvez)
Take a deep dive into the innovative recording history of the one of the most influential rock bands of all time – covering every album and every track that Led Zeppelin has ever produced.
Trampled Under Foot – The Power and Excess of Led Zeppelin
A unique look at the history, adventures, myths and realities of Led Zeppelin – a labour of love based on hours of first-hand and original interviews.
Led Zeppelin – Denmark 1968-1970 (tvrdi uvez)
Led Zeppelin – Denmark 1968-1970 – In September of 1968 the newly formed Led Zeppelin played their first concert ever, under the name “The New Yardbirds” at a Danish school in the Copenhagen suburb of Gladsaxe. The 17 year old photographer Jorgen Angel was present at this first concert and his pictures from the bands …
When Giants Walked the Earth – 50 years of Led Zeppelin
Fully revised and updated!
Over ten years after When Giants Walked The Earth, Mick’s seminal biography of the band, comes this major and extensively researched revision, which will provide an unflinching look at life inside one of the biggest-selling rock bands of all time, and present the definitive, final word on Led Zeppelin.