bad religion do what you want

Do What You Want – The Story of Bad Religion (tvrdi uvez)

Igor Maračić

With a unique blend of melodic hardcore and thought-provoking lyrics, Bad Religion paved the way for the punk rock explosion of the 1990s, opening the door for bands like NOFX, The Offspring, Rancid, Green Day, Pennywise and Blink-182 to reach wider audiences.

They showed the world what punk could be, and they continue to spread their message one song, one show, one tour at a time — with no signs of stopping.

The Life and Death

The Life and Death of Keith Moon Graphic Novel


The Life and Death of Keith Moon Graphic Novel – The Who drummer Keith Moon was a totally incorrigible yet uniquely generous boy who never grew up and who changed the lives of all who knew him, a phenomenal character and an extravagant hell raiser who in a final, uncharacteristic act of grace – actually …

Ramones – Američki bend


Riječ je o biografiji benda koja prati karijeru ove legendarne punk skupine od njujorških podruma do svjetske slave i popularnosti u kojoj autor pokušava uhvatiti esenciju rock’n’rolla u vrijeme kad to nije bilo ni moderno niti lukrativno. Knjiga detaljno opisuje (sub)kulturna strujanja iz vremena kada su The Ramonesi još bili sastav sa 70-minutnim koncertnim repertoarom. …

pocket cash

Johnny Cash: Pocket Cash

Igor Maračić

Pocket Cash is an intimate and appealing little book of photos of the legendary Johnny Cash, taken by famous music photographer Jim Marshall, includes never-before-seen shots of Johnny with his family, with other famous musicians on the set of the Johnny Cash Show, and the legendary live recordings at Folsom and San Quentin state prisons…

Jim Morrison: Divljina – Izgubljeni spisi


Morrison je “sažeo” svoja literarna i filozofska uvjerenja u rečenice koje su vjerojatno njegovi najčešći, ali i najslikovitiji citati: “Oduvijek su me privlačile ideje povezane s pobunom protiv autoriteta. Sviđaju mi se ideje nepoštivanja i odbacivanja prihvaćenog sustava. Zanima me sve o pobuni, neredu, kaosu – posebice aktivnosti koje naizgled nemaju nikakvog smisla.” “Na papiru …